
  • Main settings
  • Exercise setting Access the main settings from the bottom bar in the workout screen.

All Exercises

These are exercise-related settings that will apply to all exercises as a default, unless overridden per-exercise or per-workout.

Weight Unit

Kilograms or pounds.

Rest Time

The default rest time in seconds.

Weight Increment

The increment when using the + and - buttons in the workout set editor weight field.

Exercise-specific Settings

Configure these from the exercise. Exercise-specific settings override main settings.

Workout Specific Settings

Configure these in the “Today’s Settings” screen in the workout sets editor, available under the “More” button. Workout-specific settings override exercise and main settings, but only apply for the current exercise in the current workout.


Go to the Next Exercise

This configures the behavior after checking off the last set in an exercise in a workout.

There are 3 choices:

  • Never: Do nothing. You swipe back to the workout and choose the next exercise yourself.
  • Prompt: Ask before going to the next exercise
  • Always: Go to the next exercise when the last set for an exercise is checked off

Copy Notes

This configures the behavior of notes when copying a workout from the calendar, or copying sets from workout history.

There are 3 choices:

  • Never: Never copy previous notes
  • Prompt: Ask before copying previous notes, if there are any
  • Always: Always copy previous notes when copying sets

Notify New Records/Goals

If on, displays a message when a new record has been made or a new goal has been reached.

Auto Select Next Set

If on, the next incomplete set in a workout’s exercise will be highlighted when you open that exercise page. When you complete it, the next incomplete set will highlight.

Auto Track Workout Time

If on, the workout time tracker will start and stop automatically.

The workout timer will start when you check the first set. It will end when all sets are checked.

You can also manage workout time manually by tapping on the workout time area at the top of the workout screen, or through the top left dropdown menu on the workout screen.

This setting is ignored if Start Workout On Watch is on. Instead, workouts would be tracked on the watch instead, which can also record your heart rate.

Start Workout On Watch

This setting is only relevant if you have installed the FitNotes Apple Watch App.

If on, when you first check a set on the phone, it will launch the watch app and start an Apple Workout. If you check the first set on the watch, it will start the workout inside the watch app.

If off, then it will not launch the watch app from the phone.

You can also start the Apple Workout manually in the watch, with the “Start Workout” button.

Read more on this on the Apple Health Workout Sync page

Auto Complete Sets

If on, when you save a set, it will already be checked.

Some people save sets after they do them, and don’t pre-record their sets ahead of time. This option is for those users who save sets after they do them, they won’t need to tap an extra time to mark the set as completed.

Show Notes Inline

If on, workout set notes will be displayed with the workout set data. Otherwise, you have to tap the notes icon to see what a note says.


First Day of the Week

The day of the week to use as the first day of the week in the calendar.

This also affects charts that use weekly time groupings.

Rest Timer

This is another way to access rest timer settings.


Appearance (Dark Mode)

There are 3 options:

  • Automatic: Light and dark mode changes according to your phone settings
  • Light: Always light
  • Dark: Always dark

Keep Screen On

If on, prevents the phone screen from turning off while the app is open.



See Backup & Export


Options in red text are destructive, use them carefully, if you make a mistake then data is lost. Take a backup before using them if you’re cautious.

Restore Default Exercises

This will recreate any exercise from the default list that come with the app, if they are missing. It checks only by name.

Restore Default Measurement Types

This will recreate any measurement type from the default list that come with the app, if they are missing.

Delete All Unused Exercises

This deletes any exercise that has no workout sets recorded.

This is useful if you want to remove clutter or the default exercises that you don’t use.

If you do this by mistake, you can use Restore Default Exercises.

Delete All Unused Measurement Types

This deletes any measurement type that has no measurement recorded.

This is useful if you want to remove clutter or the default measurement types that you don’t use.

If you do this by mistake, you can use Restore Default Measurement Types.

Delete All App Data

This deletes everything from your database. The exercise and measurement type defaults will be restored after the app reloads. If you also want those removed, use Delete All Unused Exercises and Delete All Unused Measurement Types after this.

Translate Names

This translates the names of exercises, categories and measurement types to the current system language. Use this if you originally installed the app in one language, but want to switch to a different one. When you switch the system language, those names are not automatically converted. Names that have been customized already will not be changed to the new language. If you use multiple languages, some names may fail to translate, the conversion is not perfect in all situations.